The registration fee covers lunches, tea & coffee breaks, and conference materials.
The fee is applicable to both the presenters and the non-presenters.
NB: All transactions are still subject to 3% bank fee. Corporated credit cards are not accepted.
By Bank Transfer Please upload the transfer record here after logging in and also send a copy to t This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your registration number in the subject line.
Bank: Bangkok Bank
Saving Account No.: 944-0-03578-1
Account Name: GSLC International Conference
N.B. Applicants will be responsible for the bank transfer fee.
By Credit Card (VISA and MASTERCARD only)
Credit card payment can be accepted no later than 30 June 2019.
N.B. Applicants will be responsible for the 3% surcharge. Corporate credit cards are not accepted.
For non-presenting attendees, on site payment is accepted in cash in THB only.
It is the responsibility of all participants to arrange their own travel insurance. The conference organizers do not endorse or have any arrangements with any companies.
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