Abstracts or Full Papers of research, case study, work-in-progress report, or proposal related to any of the topics listed are welcome to generate discussion and feedback from the conference.
Abstracts or Full Papers should include title, objectives, theoretical framework, methodology, findings or expected outcomes, discussion and application. All submissions will be peer reviewed and acceptance /rejection is based on their relevance to the conference topics and their completeness according to the types of work. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 15 May 2019 and registration plus payment should be no later than 14 June 2019.
Laptop, LCD projector, microphone, sound system, and internet access will be provided at the conference to facilitate presentation.
The conference proceedings will be published online on the conference web site. If you wish to have your full paper considered to the proceedings inclusion, please email your full article to the editor-in-chief before September 1, 2019.
If your abstract is accepted for oral presentation, you are encouraged to submit a full paper before the deadline for the inclusion in the ICLC2019 Conference Proceedings.
Proceedings submission Deadline 1 September 2019
***Please note that your submitted paper will not be automatically accepted for the ICLC2019 proceedings. All submitted papers will be rigoriously reviewed by academic reviewers who assure that papers included in the ICLC 2019 proceedings meet the high academic standards of peer reviewed conference proceedings.***
The full article should be submitted in Word (NOT PDF) to Assistant Professor Dr. Ketkanda Jaturongkachoke This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please ensure that your paper is ready to go to press by the submission deadline, having thoroughly read the paper for errors. If English is not your first language then this is especially important. To facilitate easier processing, reviewing, and publishing all submissions, PLEASE follow this checklist :
***Please note that the decision to include presented papers in the ICLC 2019 proceedings is subject to recommendations made by ICLC paper reviewers. This is to ensure that all papers accepted for the inclusion in the ICLC 2019 proceedings meet the academic standards of peer reviewed proceedings.***
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.